Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import dask
import intake
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr

from .. import config
from .utils import lon_to_180
from .utils import to_standard_calendar as convert_to_standard_calendar


[docs] def postprocess(ds: xr.Dataset, to_standard_calendar: bool = True) -> xr.Dataset: """Post process input experiment - Drops band variables (if present) - Drops height variable (if present) - Squeezes length 1 dimensions (if present) - Standardizes longitude convention to [-180, 180] - Reorders latitudes to [-90, 90] - Shifts time from Noon (12:00) start to Midnight (00:00) Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset Input dataset to_standard_calendar : bool, optional Whether to convert time to standard calendar, by default True Returns ------- ds : xr.Dataset Post processed dataset """ with xr.set_options(keep_attrs=True): # drop band variables if ('lat_bnds' in ds) or ('lat_bnds' in ds.coords): ds = ds.drop('lat_bnds') if ('lon_bnds' in ds) or ('lon_bnds' in ds.coords): ds = ds.drop('lon_bnds') if ('time_bnds' in ds) or ('time_bnds' in ds.coords): ds = ds.drop('time_bnds') # drop height variable if 'height' in ds: ds = ds.drop('height') # squeeze length 1 dimensions ds = ds.squeeze(drop=True) # standardize longitude convention ds = lon_to_180(ds) # Reorders latitudes to [-90, 90] if[0] >[-1]: ds = ds.reindex({"lat":[::-1]}) if to_standard_calendar: # checks calendar ds = convert_to_standard_calendar(ds) # Shifts time from Noon (12:00) start to Midnight (00:00) start to match with Obs # ds.coords['time'] = ds['time'].resample(time='1D').first() ds['time'] = pd.date_range( start=ds['time'].data[0], end=ds['time'].data[-1], normalize=True, freq="1D", ) return ds
[docs] def load_cmip( activity_ids: str = None, experiment_ids: str = None, member_ids: str = None, source_ids: str = None, table_ids: str = None, grid_labels: str = None, variable_ids: list[str] = None, time_slice: slice = None, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Loads CMIP6 GCM dataset based on input criteria. Parameters ---------- activity_ids : list, optional activity_ids in CMIP6 catalog, by default ["CMIP", "ScenarioMIP"], experiment_ids : list, optional experiment_ids in CMIP6 catalog, by default ["historical", "ssp370"], ex:# "ssp126", "ssp245", "ssp585" member_ids : list, optional member_ids in CMIP6 catalog, by default ["r1i1p1f1"] source_ids : list, optional source_ids in CMIP6 catalog, by default ["MIROC6"] table_ids : list, optional table_ids in CMIP6 catalog, by default ["day"] grid_labels : list, optional grid_labels in CMIP6 catalog, by default ["gn"] variable_ids : list, optional variable_ids in CMIP6 catalog, by default ['tasmax'] time_slice : slice, optional Time slice to subset dataset with Returns ------- ds : xr.Dataset Dataset or zarr group with CMIP data """ with dask.config.set(**{'array.slicing.split_large_chunks': False}): col = intake.open_esm_datastore(config.get("data_catalog.cmip.json")) col_subset = activity_id=activity_ids, experiment_id=experiment_ids, member_id=member_ids, source_id=source_ids, table_id=table_ids, grid_label=grid_labels, variable_id=variable_ids, ) keys = list(col_subset.keys()) if len(keys) != 1: raise ValueError(f'intake-esm search returned {len(keys)}, expected exactly 1.') ds = col_subset[keys[0]]().to_dask() if time_slice: ds = ds.sel(time=time_slice) if 'plev' in ds.coords: # select the 500 mb level for winds ds = ds.sel(plev=50000.0, method='nearest').drop('plev') ds = ds.pipe(postprocess) # convert to mm/day - helpful to prevent rounding errors from very tiny numbers if 'pr' in ds: with xr.set_options(keep_attrs=True): ds['pr'] *= 86400 ds['pr'] = ds['pr'].astype('float32') ds['pr'].attrs['units'] = 'mm' return ds
[docs] def get_gcm( scenario: str, member_id: str, table_id: str, grid_label: str, source_id: str, variable: str | list[str], time_slice: slice, ) -> xr.Dataset: """ Load historical or future GCM into one dataset. Parameters ---------- scenario : str Name of scenario member_id : str Name of member ID table_id : str Name of table ID grid_label : str Name of grid_label source_id : str Name of source_id variable : str Name of variable to load time_slice : slice Time period that you're hoping to load Returns ------- ds_gcm : xr.Dataset A dataset containing either historical or future GCM data """ kws = dict( member_ids=member_id, table_ids=table_id, grid_labels=grid_label, source_ids=source_id, variable_ids=variable, time_slice=time_slice, ) if scenario == 'historical': activity_id = 'CMIP' else: activity_id = 'ScenarioMIP' ds_gcm = load_cmip(activity_ids=activity_id, experiment_ids=scenario, **kws) ds_gcm = ds_gcm.reindex(time=sorted(ds_gcm.time.values)) return ds_gcm