Running Flows#

In this project each downscaling method [BCSD, GARD, MACA, DEEPSD] has it’s own workflow for generating results. These data production workflows are handled by the python library, prefect, which encapsulates the data processing steps into individual tasks, which are organized into a ‘Flow’.

Prefect allows us to run these downscaling flows with many different parameter combinations (gcms, observations, training period, prediction period) without modifying the specific downscaling method script.

Choosing a Runtime#

Prefect has the ability to run flows with different runtimes. Choosing the correct runtime can be crucial to help with scaling multiple flows or debugging a single issue.

Pre-configured runtimes are stored in

The current runtime options are:

  • cloud executor: dask-distrubted - Runtime for queuing multiple flows on prefect cloud.

  • local executor: local - Runtime for developing on local machine

  • CI executor: local - Runtime used for Continuous Integration

  • pangeo executor: dask-distrubted - Runtime for processing on jupyter-hub


These flows were ran on a machine ~32 CPU and ~256GB RAM. The pangeo runtime and the cloud runtime both used similar spec machines. Using Dask’s LocalCluster for parallel processing, the 256GB RAM was distributed over the number of workers (max 32). The ideal number of workers for most flows seemed to be 8, giving each worker over 32GB of RAM each. If you are getting KilledWorker errors from Dask, try reducing the number of workers. The tradeoff of this is the increase in flow processing time. The number of workers can be set in, modifying the line: 'n_workers': 8.

Modifying Flow Config#

Project level configuration settings are in and configured using the python package donfig. Default configuration options can be overwritten in multiple ways with donfig. Below are two options for specifying use of the cloud runtime. Note: any connection_strings or other sensitive information is best stored in a local .yaml or as an environment variable.

Python Context#

donfig python context configuration options

In a python context with config.set(). ex:

config.set({'runtime': 'cloud'})


donfig yaml configuration options. Default config options can be overwritten with a top-level yaml file. Details on setup are provided in the donfig docs above.


runtime: 'cloud'

Environment Variables#

Config options can also be set with specifically formatted environment variables. Details can be found below.

environment variables

Parameter Files#

All downscaling flows require run parameters to be passed in as a .json file. These parameter files contain arguments to the flows, specifying which downscaling method, which variable etc. Example config files can be found in cmip6_downscaling.configs.generate_valid_configs.<method>. Future configs can be generated manually or using the notebook template generate_valid_json_parameters.ipynb.

Example config file:

  "method": "gard",
  "obs": "ERA5",
  "model": "BCC-CSM2-MR",
  "member": "r1i1p1f1",
  "grid_label": "gn",
  "table_id": "day",
  "scenario": "historical",
  "features": ["pr"],
  "variable": "pr",
  "latmin": "-90",
  "latmax": "90",
  "lonmin": "-180",
  "lonmax": "180",
  "bias_correction_method": "quantile_mapper",
  "bias_correction_kwargs": {
    "pr": { "detrend": false },
    "tasmin": { "detrend": true },
    "tasmax": { "detrend": true },
    "psl": { "detrend": false },
    "ua": { "detrend": false },
    "va": { "detrend": false }
  "model_type": "PureRegression",
  "model_params": { "thresh": 0 },
  "train_dates": ["1981", "2010"],
  "predict_dates": ["1950", "2014"]



Use Cases: Parallel Production Runs

The Cloud runtime uses a dask executor with kubernetes as an orchestrator paired to cloud storage to run multiple parallel flows with the ability to scale worker resources and machines to match the flow compute demands.

This environment is meant for parallel production runs with multiple parameter files. The prefect cloud dashboard allows a user to monitor flows in real time and inspect flow run diagrams.

While this runtime excels at resource scaling and parallel runs, debugging with it can be difficult and unexpected worker resource errors have been known to crop up. If errors are found in a flow, dropping down to a pangeo or local runtime may help.

Registering a Flow#

With the prefect cloud runtime selected, flows can be registered and run with the prefect CLI.

To register a flow:

#prefect register --project "<project name>" -p <python file for prefect flow>

prefect register --project "cmip6" -p

This should output information about the flow, including ID.

Collecting flows...

<class 'cmip6_downscaling.runtimes.CloudRuntime'>

Storage    : <class ''>

Run Config : <class 'prefect.run_configs.kubernetes.KubernetesRun'>

Executor   : <class 'prefect.executors.dask.DaskExecutor'>

Processing '':

Building `Azure` storage...

Registering 'bcsd'... Done

└── ID: e4d94ccd-a3f7-4024-8944-3b5b65914372

└── Version: 1

Running a Flow#

Once the flow is registered, multiple flows can be run with different parameter files.

To run a flow:

#prefect run -p <python file for prefect flow> --param-file <path to json parameter file> --watch (optional)

prefect run -p --param-file bcsd_ERA5_ACCESS-CM2_ssp585_tasmax_-90_90_-180_180_1981_2010_2015_2099.json

Running a prefect cloud flow will output a url to the prefect dashboard where the flow status can be watched.


Usecases: Individual Runs - Detailed Logs - Debugging

The Pangeo runtime is meant for running prefect flows on a jupyter-hub cloud instance. This runtime is great for individual runs, debugging flow issues and getting detailed real-time logs via the dask dashboard. It is important to know your expected resource usage when selecting which size of jupyter-hub you are using.

Running a Flow#

With the pangeo runtime selected, flows can be run using the prefect CLI. Unlike the cloud runtime, flows are not registered with prefect cloud.

To run a flow:

#prefect run -p <python file for prefect flow> --param-file <path to json parameter file> --watch (optional)

prefect run -p --param-file bcsd_ERA5_ACCESS-CM2_ssp585_tasmax_-90_90_-180_180_1981_2010_2015_2099.json

Dask Dashboard#

One of the benefits of using the pangeo runtime is the easy access to the dask dashboard. In the dashboard, you can monitor memory and cpu usage, track task progress in a flow and see multiple visualizations of the runs progress.

Once your flow is running, navigate to this url.

Note: This url is specific to username, jupyter-hub name and port.<username>/<jupyter-hub name>/proxy/<port>/status
